> On 27 Apr 2017, at 10:18, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fu...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On 26/04/2017 16:22, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This webrev has been updated with a number of additional changes since
>> the first review.
>> The latest webrev is at:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/8175814/webrev.3/index.html

1) AsyncDataReadQueue

  I think you can ( should ) remove the type param from this class.
  It appears to always deal with Http2Frame types. 

  Is the endItem a settable thing? Seems that it is only ever one
  possibility. L149 can either be removed or reinstated ( with the 
  knock on minor refactoring )

2) Stream

  Remove the extra long line by adding a newline after the arrow:
  private final static Supplier<Http2Frame> endItem = () ->
        new DataFrame(0, DataFrame.END_STREAM, new ByteBufferReference[0]);

3) AsyncSSLDelegate typo L264  don’t

4) AsyncConnection / Queue

  I find the term ‘block’ confusing here. It seems that the input channel,
  in the AsyncSSLDelegate implicitly puts itself into “blocking” mode
  when performing the initial handshake. The unblocking happens then
  after successful negotiation of ALPN. Maybe some term to indicate
  no higher-level callback? OR something else.

5) Is the AsyncSSLConnection effectively dead once stopAsyncReading
  is invoke on it? It can only be used to seed another SSLConnection?
  If so, maybe a comment to indicate this.


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