On 2/7/18 12:48 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 07/02/2018 17:31, Chris Hegarty wrote:

I think the replacement of WSASendDisconnect with
shutdown(SD_SEND) should be fine. I do note that there
is another usage of WSASendDisconnect in

[ Maybe you want to separate out the changes in java.base
( NIO and NET ) from the serviceability changes? Up to
you. ]

Is NIO SocketDispatcher change needed in this patch? I would prefer if we could separate this was WSASendDisconnect was the semantics that we need.

Yes, WSASendDisconnect is deprecated in vs2013.
As far as I know "shutdown(fd, SD_SEND)" prevents further outgoing writes
and there was no final payload to send.

I have not seen any failures in the java/nio tests.

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