Thanks you Chris for reviewing this!

On 4/18/18 9:06 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

On 16/04/18 17:29, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:

I think this is mostly good. Just one comment.

I'm not sure that this is correct.

--- OLD ---

  60         String exclBindProp = AccessController.doPrivileged(
61 new GetPropertyAction("", ""));
  62         exclusiveBind = (exclBindProp.isEmpty())
  63                 ? true
  64                 : Boolean.parseBoolean(exclBindProp);

--- NEW ---
 private static final boolean useExclusiveBind =
  55 Boolean.parseBoolean(AccessController.doPrivileged(
56 new GetPropertyAction("", "true")));

Exclusive bind should be true iif:
  1) it is defined and has no value, or
  2) if is defined and has a value of `true`.

Oh.  Good catch!  Thanks!
I restored the logic here in the updated webrev.

I thought we had tests for this, but maybe not if you are not
seeing test failures.

I found only two tests that set useExclusiveBind. They seem to ignore false positive results, that's why they didn't fail. I updated them to test with useExclusiveBind set either to 'true' or to the empty value.

Here's the updated webrev:


With kind regards,


With kind regards,
Ivan Gerasimov

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