On Fri, 15 Nov 2024 19:14:00 GMT, Volkan Yazıcı <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR, addressing 8343791, enhances `Socket#connect()` and effectively 
>> makes it close the `Socket` if `SocketImpl#connect()` fails with a
>> 1. `SocketTimeoutException`
>> 2. `InterruptedIOException` in an interrupted vthread
>> 3. `IOException` that is *not* an `UnknownHostException`
>> On the other hand, socket will *not* be closed if `SocketImpl#connect()` 
>> fails with a
>> * `InterruptedIOException` that is neither a `SocketTimeoutException`, nor 
>> from an interrupted vthread
>> * `UnknownHostException`
>> Note that in case of an `UHE`, `Socket` and `SocketImpl` states will match, 
>> i.e., `SOCKET_CREATED`.
>> One peculiar detail retained from the old code is that 
>> `InterruptedIOException` is causing a socket close *iff* we are in an 
>> interrupted vhtread. (Guess: To ensure resources within a vthread task scope 
>> is released in tandem with the completion of the scope?) I don't know why 
>> other `InterruptedIOException` cases are left out.
>> Before "8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview)" (9583e365), 
>> `connect()` failures were getting propagated untouched. 8284161 added the 
>> logic to throw `SocketException("Closed by interrupt")` *and* close the 
>> socket if `InterruptedIOException` is caught in an interrupted vthread.
>> Judging from the last state of the `Socket#connect()` javadoc, I find it 
>> very difficult to wrap ones mind around in which cases the socket will be 
>> closed. As a user, I'd be in favor of a simpler approach – e.g., `try { 
>> socketImpl.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { closeQuietly(e); throw e }` – 
>> at the cost of incorporating a backward incompatible behavioral change. I 
>> would appreciate your advice on how shall we proceed further.
> Volkan Yazıcı has refreshed the contents of this pull request, and previous 
> commits have been removed. The incremental views will show differences 
> compared to the previous content of the PR. The pull request contains one new 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8343791: Close `Socket` on `connect()` failures

I've added a lengthy comment to the JBS issue as there some decisions to make 
on this issue.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/22160#issuecomment-2480522300

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