On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 17:11 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I dont see any dump on host3 when I run "snmpd -f -L -d". This means the
> request is not flowing to host3 and host2 is not proxying the request.

Yup.  Sounds like it.
So it's host2 that's rejecting the request.

> The access control setup on host2 is as follows.

> #       group          context sec.model sec.level prefix read   write  notif
> access  myusergroup    ""      any       noauth    exact  myuserview none none

That's the problem.
You've configured access for the default context (""),
but you haven't configured access for "myContext"
So host2 is rejecting the request.

> rwuser myuser

Grrr... You're duplicating access control again!
*Either* use group/view/access  *or* use r[ow]user but NOT BOTH!

I don't think the short-cut forms support non-default contexts,
so delete the "rwuser" line, and concentrate on the other settings.

The easiest way to fix this is probably to tweak the prefix field
of the access line to read "prefix" (rather than "exact").
That should then match *any* context.

Alternatively, duplicate the above access line,
and change the context field to read "myContext" (instead of "")


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