On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 12:00:09 -0700 Tushar wrote:
TG> > Is the ifStatus down?
TG> >   
TG> The interface is not down, but is removed using the command:

right.. but I'm asking about the net-snmp ifStatus.

TG> It is not an issue to keep the entry if the vlan interface is down.  But 
TG> the entry remains in the cache even after you remove the vlan 
TG> interface.  How should this situation be handled?

That's a matter of opinion. Some people, like yourself, might want the
interface and all it's stats to completely disappear. Others might want it to
remain, so that cumulative stats for a particular interface can be graphed.

TG> I see a known_missing flag indicating the interface is not to be found 
TG> anymore.  That flag seems to be set after I remove the interface using 
TG> 'vconfig rem.'  It is not set when the vlan interface is down.

Right. So, if you would like to come up with a patch that optionally remove the
interface in that case, it could be considered for a future release.

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