2009/12/9 nathan <nitha_2...@yahoo.com>:
> I am calling snmpset on an OID like this...snmpset -v2c -cpublic <IP> <OID> i 
> 23.
> In x86 platform, the agent gets this message and the value 23, executes fine.
> Then I cross compiled for MIPS, the same code, and issued  the same cmd..
> now the agent is running on MIPS. Now the value received by the agent is 0
> instead of 23....

Which OID are you trying to set?

> I do not understnad why the same code is boken in MIPS

The role of the SNMP agent is to retrieve information from the
underlying system, and report it back to the manager application
in a standard manner.   This means that it is working very closely
with the underlying operating system.
   Different systems will support different mechanisms for
providing access to the same basic data, so the MIB module
code can often be very system-specific.
   This means that is it not unusual to have bugs in a section
of code, that only affect a particular operating system.   It's
also common to have MIB objects that are implemented in
one environment, but not in another.

Without knowing which OID you are referring to, it's impossible
to say what might be going wrong here.


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