On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Robert Story <rst...@freesnmp.com> wrote:
> There was some discussion in the IRC channel this morning about the default
> behavior of snmpwalk biting newbies. They will often run snmpwalk without
> specifying a starting point, and by default snmpwalk will start the walk on
> the mib-2 branch. This leaves users puzzled as to why they aren't getting
> enterprise MIB objects.
> There were a few proposals for a possible fix:
> a) start at .1
>   pros: will show all available objects
>   cons: will show all available objects

I like this option.  Yes, it's changing a default, and it's possible
that someone's relying on this default -- but is it really that
likely?  What's the scenario that some automated script somewhere
wants all of mib-2 and nothing else?  It seems more likely to me that
automated uses of snmpwalk specify a much smaller subtree.

I can't count the number of times I've had to tell users to add ".1"
to their snmpwalk command line - mostly "I've added the MIBs for my
device but snmpwalk still doesn't show the enterprise OIDs!".

> b) start at mib-2, but print a message to stderr (much like we do when we
> default to stderr for logging)
>   pros: user advised that only a portion of mib is being used
>   cons: slight change in behavior (can be mitigated with config token to
>         disable message)

I could live with this option.  It'll probably still result in
confusion, since people may miss the warning (say, "snmpwalk foo |
less", and the error message gets overwritten), but may reduce the
confusion somewhat.

> c) print error and exit if no start point specified (suggest mib-2 or .1)
>   pros: makes it very clear what's going on
>   cons: big change in behavior

This one just feels annoying :-)


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