On 15 November 2010 22:59, Claus Klein <claus.kl...@arcormail.de> wrote:
> When I understand right, to setup the trap-receiver (snmptrapd),
> I have do get the engineID of the trapsender (snmpd) with

The formal situation is that both sides of the connection should be
configured using the ID of the "authoritative engine".   One side of the
connection is the authoritative engine, so uses this ID automatically.
The ID configuration issues therefore really affect the other
(non-authoritative) agent.

   For an INFORM request, the authoritative engine is the notification
receiver (snmptrapd), and the sender (snmpd) should probe to discover
this ID automatically.   This is the same approach as used for SNMPv3
GET* and SET requests, so you can essentially forget about the
engineID - everything Just Works.

   For a TRAP request, the authoritative engine is the notification
generator (snmpd), and the receiver (snmptrapd) needs to be explicitly
configured with this information (as you are doing).  But remember,
each agent will have its own unique engine ID, so snmptrapd will need
to be configured for every expected trap source individually.
   In a large network this could prove impractical!

The pragmatic situation is that both sides of the connection need to
be using the *same* engineID, but it doesn't really matter what that
engineID actually is.
   So one common approach is to create user(s) in the snmptrapd.conf
file with an explicit engineID, and specify the same engineID in the
"trapsess" directive in the snmpd.conf file.   Both sides agree, and hence
they can communicate.

But if you've got something working, and it meets your needs, then
you don't need to worry about this.


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