On 4 April 2012 11:55, Chalapathi Rao <c...@velocix.com> wrote:
> We seem to be having the following issue with our snmpagent
> (using Net-SNMP Version:

First thing - that's a very old version
(and the 5.3.x line is no longer actively supported).
Would it be possible to try with something a little newer?

>    Issue: Traps can be filtered (snmpTargetMIB, snmpNotificationMIB)
>              but INFORMs can't be.

It's been a while since I looked at the notification filtering code,
but I don't believe the basic framework distinguishes between
Traps and Informs.
   The basic snmpNotifyTable has a field snmpNotifyType to
control whether a particular target should be send a trap or
an inform notification.   But all of the subsequent filtering is
common to both.

Perhaps you could give a little more detail about how exactly
you are setting up the trap and inform destinations, and the
filtering for each of them.  And what exact behaviour you are


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