On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 01:41:12PM +0200, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> The attached patch (in context diff, because unified diff became unusually
> unreadable!) first rewrites _gettable_do_it to be a bit less $#{$ everywhere
> (so that I could understand it myself :-) ), and then fixes so that it
> properly deals with a truncated response: For each value returned, the right
> varbind is advanced, and the decision of which ones to keep querying is
> delayed until the very end.
> We've queried a variety of equipment we've got around (mostly Cisco and HP,
> though), and this seems to fix the issue for us. Would you consider this for
> inclusion in a future version?


I don't think anyone picked up this. Bumping so it isn't forgotten.

/* Steinar */
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