I want to write an "snmp proxy with cache" to a network device D that works
in this way:

- it snmpwalk device D every m minutes and stores the results in a local

- when someone sends a read snmp request, it finds and returns the response
by querying the database.

-(optionaly) when someone sends a write snmp request, it sends the same
request to device D, and change the local database, if the set request has
been done successfully.

I am not very familiar with snmpt, but so far, I realized there these 2
relevant works:

1- defining a proxy in snmpd.conf: the problem is that this option does not
allow me to have a cache.
      proxy -Cn ctx_remote -v 1 -c public .1.3
[REF]: http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/Snmpd_proxy
2- extending snmpd using perl: in this method, one can register a handler
sub, that is called when a request wants to access a specific OID. Inside
the handler function, I can write some code to give the request to the snmp
agent on the target device, and have my desired caching implemented. The
problem is that, I want to register the handler function only for a
specific context(eg ctx_remote) so, first of all, I don't miss the original
local MIB, secendly, I can register multiple handlers corresponding to
multiple devices.
I am wondering what would be the best way to solve the problem
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