On Wed, 7 Sep 2016 14:07:42 -0400 Sam wrote:
ST> Any ideas on how to resolve this?   The problem seems to be
ST> in "transitioning" from one mib to the next.
ST> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Sam Tannous <stann...@users.sf.net> wrote:
ST> > ------------------------------
ST> >
ST> > * [bugs:#2693] <http://sourceforge.net/p/net-snmp/bugs/2693/> snmpwalk
ST> > causes snmpd hang and CPU spike*
ST> >
ST> > On latest debian (Jessie, snmpd, also seen on 5.7.3) we noticed a
ST> > nasty bug where the snmpd
ST> > CPU spikes (to around 100%) and snmpd becomes completely unresponsive.
ST> > Only way to recover is a restart.
ST> >
ST> > The problem appears to be in the transition (snmpwalk) from .
ST> > to .
ST> >
ST> > The bug occurs only when we have "-V systemonly" on our community string
ST> >
ST> >    rocommunity public default -V systemonly
ST> >
ST> > *and* we expose these tables:
ST> >
ST> >   view   systemonly  included   .
ST> >   view   systemonly  included   .
ST> >   view   systemonly  included   .
ST> >   view   systemonly  included   .
ST> >
ST> >              (Adding a view for . fixes this problem!)
ST> >
ST> > The output we see before the freeze is this:
ST> >
ST> > root@jessie-1:/home/stannous# snmpwalk -v2c -cpublic localhost .1
ST> > ...
ST> > <output snipped>
ST> > ...
ST> > SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = IpAddress:
ST> > Timeout: No Response from localhost

Does increasing the timeout help any? e.g.

  snmpgetnext -v2c -cpublic -r 0 -t 300 localhost \

How big is the forwarding file?

  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding | wc -l

Any log messages in the log while it's spinning its wheels?


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