On 04/25/18 10:04, Keith Mendoza wrote:
Net-SNMP dev team,
I have submitted a merge request to verify that when the 
--enable-blumenthal-aes is used in configure that it checks that OpenSSL's 
aes.h and evp.h are available. Merge request is at 
https://sourceforge.net/p/net-snmp/code/merge-requests/14/. This should fully 
resolve the following bugs:

* #2859 Test case "T023snmpv3getMD5DES_simple" fails 

* #2855 Test case "T026snmpv3getSHAAES_simple" fails 

* #2854 Test case "T025snmpv3getSHADES_simple" fails 

* #2852 Test case "T024snmpv3getSHA1_simple" fails 

This fix provides a partial fix for #2853 Test case "T024snmpv3getSHA512_simple" fails 
(#2853 Test case "T024snmpv3getSHA512_simple" fails). The rest of the fix is Bart's 
commit 3c104a.

Hello Keith,

Are you aware that running something like "brew upgrade openssl" brings in a version of openssl on OS/X that is recent enough for all Net-SNMP features? Regarding your pull request: I'd like to avoid adding AC_CHECK_HEADERS() calls in config_project_with_enable because whether or not these succeed depend on the compiler flags (-I) and some compiler flags are only set at a later phase.



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