Hi Net-SNMP team,
                             Need help on below scenario:
We are handling the Error condition for the SNMP request(get/set) packet
with the below options in the *"subagent"*

netsnmp_request_set_error(request, SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME);

netsnmp_request_set_error(request, SNMP_ERR_GENERR);

With this error handling *"snmpd"-the agent*, is responding to the
client(SNMP get/set request command) with these errors in error-status (in
response packet) with null values for the OID(OID-value pair).

We think this is expected and valid.

But for some scenario, we want* "snmpd" -the agent* to drop the packet
without responding.

Is there any options in the net-SNMP code we can use or

any error handling scenario which can be set to drop the response packet
for a get/set request?

Thanks a lot in Advance.

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