> 5.1.1
> hrStorageEntry.hrStorageDescr.2 = STRING: Real Memory
> hrStorageEntry.hrStorageDescr.3 = STRING: Swap Space
> 5.0.9
> hrStorageEntry.hrStorageDescr.101 = STRING: Real Memory
> hrStorageEntry.hrStorageDescr.102 = STRING: Swap Space

Yes - that's correct.
The old arrangement put an artificial limit on the number of
mounted filesystems that could be reported before running into
these "oddity" entries.
  By putting them at the start instead, it's made it possible
to handle significantly larger numbers of mounted filesystems.

> Doesn't seem like a good idea to have ifindex values change between
> versions, but if their is a good reason than it must be done.

Please note that in general, MIB index values are not guaranteed
to remain constant when an agent re-starts.   It is quite common
for the same information to be provided in a different order,
and monitoring tools really need to be able to cope with this.

I'm a little surprised that Cricket didn't spot the change and
adjust automatically.


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