I know I've done this before with success -- on this MIB -- but today
after adding another column to a table in my private MIB, mib2c refuses
to see my table.

  [root] # head `which mib2c`
  # $Id: mib2c,v 5.57 2004/09/10 12:30:15 dts12 Exp $

  [root] # mib2c SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.20540.2.1.9999.1
  writing to -
  mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of
  code you need to write.  You must pick one depending on your need.

  You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:
    OID:                            et9ms
    numeric translation:            .
    number of scalars within:         3
    number of tables within:          0
    number of notifications within:   0

But there's a table in that MIB!  I've looked and looked at my addition
to the MIB and can't see any syntacic problem with it.  Is there a MIB
syntax verifier I can't find?  Can snmptranslate be tricked into doing it?


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