I have installed Net-SNMP Feature on Window 2000 machine.
When i am trying to run snmpconf  i am getting the promt

"  C:\usr\bin\snmpconf requires Perl to run.
   A version of Perl for Windows is available from
   Please install Perl and run this program again.
   Press any key to continue . . .
I have downloaded and install the perl in c\usr\perl.and i am able to run perl 
package manager(PPM).

Could you help me out in this context.

Many Thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: ActiveState Support [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 March 2006 16:29
To: Singh, Sandeep, VF UK - Technology (TS)
Subject: Re: [OTS#020009707] Perl on Windows 2000

Hi Sandeep,

The zip package you donwloaded contains a ppm package you can install from
your local file system:

- first unzip the package to a temporary directory
- next, install the package by specifying the ppd file directly:

ppm install c:\tmp\module-name.ppd

Please note that some modules have dependencies and may fail to install
because of this. It would be helpful to, on an internet-connected machine, use
ppm's 'tree' command to see what dependencies there are:

ppm> tree Date-Calc
Date-Calc 5.3
\__Bit-Vector 0.0

Let me know if you have any further questions or comments.

best regards,

Jeff Griffiths
Technical Support Engineer
ActiveState - Dynamic Tools for Dynamic Languages

"Singh, Sandeep, VF UK - Technology (TS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi
> I am Trying to install perl on Windows 2000, as it is required to use some
> features of net-SNMP.
> whenever i am downloading the package, its downloaded as zip file. and when i
> am running the zip file it is just opening and no operation is performed.
> Could you help me out with the file that i should run from the unzipped file
> to install the perl.
> Many Thanks
> Sandeep

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