>>>>> On Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:04:56 +0530, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

raghavendra> 1) linux-host1- (ip=

raghavendra> createUser myuser MD5 "mypassword" DES mypassword

raghavendra> rwuser myser

that looks good.
raghavendra> 2) linux-host2- (ip= 

raghavendra> proxy -v 3 -l AuthNoPriv -u myuser system

That, however, isn't enough.

1) you need to add a user to the local host to authenticate the proxy
   request.  create another user here, and give them access privileges
   using the rwuser token again (or one of the more complex VACM
   mechanisms instead).

2) You need to pass the authentication information to the proxy
   routien above as well.  IE, 

    proxy -v 3 -l authNoPriv -u myuser -a MD5 -A "mypassword" 


Wes Hardaker
Sparta, Inc.

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