

Please see my comments inline in your mail below (Red color). The following are the o/p of commands I executed.




SNMP gets for user (admin):


# snmpget -v 3 -u admin -a SHA -A 1b86f231bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -x AES -X bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -l authPriv system.sysUpTime.0

SNMPv2-MIB: sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (1100758) 3:03:27.58


# snmpget -v 3 -u admin -a SHA -A 1b86f231bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -x AES -X bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -l authPriv usmDHParameters.0

SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB::usmDHParameters.0 = Hex-STRING: 30 66 02 61 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF C9 0F DA

A2 21 68 C2 34 C4 C6 62 8B 80 DC 1C D1 29 02 4E

08 8A 67 CC 74 02 0B BE A6 3B 13 9B 22 51 4A 08

79 8E 34 04 DD EF 95 19 B3 CD 3A 43 1B 30 2B 0A

6D F2 5F 14 37 4F E1 35 6D 6D 51 C2 45 E4 85 B5

76 62 5E 7E C6 F4 4C 42 E9 A6 3A 36 20 FF FF FF

FF FF FF FF FF 02 01 02



Changing the DH Key for user (admin):


# snmpusm -v 3 -u admin -a SHA -A 1b86f231bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -x AES -X bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -l authPriv -Ca -Cx changekey admin

new auth key: 0x3032e6580e5eacfec63e8cdc8029162f2323fbec

new priv key: 0x588c9b2ed297b752048b9517c36195ab

SNMPv3 Key(s) successfully changed.


SNMP get on using new keys:


# snmpget -v 3 -u admin -a SHA -A 3032e6580e5eacfec63e8cdc8029162f2323fbec -x AES -X 588c9b2ed297b752048b9517c36195ab -l authPriv usmDHParameters.0

snmpget: Authentication failure (incorrect password, community or key)


SNMP get using same old original keys: (Of course, this query should fail)


snmpget -v 3 -u admin -a SHA -A 1b86f231bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -x AES -X bebe46020cd5ff6d4f9ae7b29eeeb1ae -l authPriv usmDHParameters.0

snmpget: Authentication failure (incorrect password, community or key)





-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wes Hardaker
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:28 PM
To: Mahesh Anasuri (WT01 - Broadband Networks)
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; net-snmp-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: snmpusm + changekey (DH Keys)


>>>>> On Wed, 10 May 2006 16:54:18 +0530, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:


kanakamahesh> I changed DH keys with snmpusm and I tried snmpgets with

kanakamahesh> new auth/priv keys. But I did not get any results for

kanakamahesh> any MIB?


Were the new snmpgets immediate before you stopped the agent?  I know

it works, because I've done it...


Mahesh> New snmpgets are immediate after keys change before snmpd exits.


If you're creating new users and changing their keys, you have to give

them access control rights too...


Mahesh> I did not create new users; I changed keys for existing user only.


If this is for a user that is already working before hand (IE, snmpget

works, then snmpusm dh, then snmpget fails) then something is

definitely odd...


The hard part is debugging it.



kanakamahesh> Anything configuration changes required from snmpd side,

kanakamahesh> in order for new auth/priv keys to work?


Nope, it should just work assuming you have access rights too...


How are you specifying the new keys for the new snmpget?


Wes Hardaker

Sparta, Inc.





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