I have installed net-snmp-5.3.1-HP-UX_B.11.00_9000_712 binaries on hpux11.00 
machine as root in  / .
The snmptrapd and snmptrap daemon work fine.
So i would compile my 'snmpTrapManager.c',but when I try to do 'make' it 
reports these errors:
make -f Makefile all
        echo "Compiling snmpTrapManager ...."
Compiling trapmanager ....
        echo "Dependents up to date 1: "
Dependents up to date 1:
        cc -O -I/usr/local/include \
                -L/usr/local/lib \
                -lnetsnmptrapd -lnetsnmpmibs -lnetsnmphelpers -lnetsnmpagent 
-lnetsnmp \
                /users/cmt/snmpTrapManager/snmpTrapManager.c -o snmpTrapManager
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   snmp_close (code)
   snmp_log (code)
   print_handler (code)
   netsnmp_add_global_traphandler (code)
   snmp_shutdown (code)
   netsnmp_running (data)
   netsnmp_ds_get_boolean (code)
   snmp_sess_perror (code)
   netsnmp_tdomain_transport (code)
   debugmsg (code)
   snmp_add (code)
   init_snmp (code)
   netsnmp_get_version (code)
   netsnmp_register_loghandler (code)
   snmp_read (code)
   init_agent (code)
   debugmsg_oid (code)
   netsnmp_transport_free (code)
   snmp_get_do_debugging (code)
   snmp_log_syslogname (code)
   snmp_select_info (code)
   snmp_sess_init (code)
   snmp_oid_compare (code)
*** Error exit code 1


The bin directory is:usr/local/bin
The lib directory is:usr/local/lib
The include directory is:usr/local/include
My 'snmpTrapManager.c' directory is:users/cmt/snmpTrapManager

Anyone has hints on this?

I attach my 'Makefile'.

Anyone can tell me if it's correct??
Anyone can send me a 'Makefile' example??

Thanks in advance


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# Makefile snmpTrapManager.c                                                    

#       definizione directory di lavoro
TOOLS = /users/cmt/snmpTrapManager
SNMPLIBPATH = /usr/local/lib
SNMPSRVBIN = /usr/local/bin
SNMPINC = /usr/local/include
SNMPLIB = -lnetsnmptrapd -lnetsnmpmibs -lnetsnmphelpers -lnetsnmpagent -lnetsnmp

all:    $(SNMPSRVBIN)/snmpTrapManager
        echo "snmpTrapManager up-to-date\n"

        echo "Compiling snmpTrapManager ...."
        echo "Dependents up to date 1: $?"
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(SNMPINC) \
                -L$(SNMPLIBPATH) \
                $(SNMPLIB) \
                $(TOOLS)/snmpTrapManager.c -o snmpTrapManager
        echo "Dependents up to date 2: $?"
        $(RM) snmpTrapManager.o
        mv snmpTrapManager $(SNMPSRVBIN)
        echo "\tsnmpTrapManager is up to date!"
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