
I'd like to get status of our mail system (novell groupwise).

in snmpd.conf I've added the following line to extend the agent:
dlmod Gwsnmp /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/lib/libgwsnmp.so

dlmod is enabled on the agent, since snmpd -H shows:

......some output omitted..
file              file [maxsize]
dlmod          module-name module-path
proxy          [snmpcmd args] host oid [remoteoid]

As far as I understand, this should be enough to execute snmpget to 
novell-specific OID's?

I pick an OID from a novell MIB:

server:/var/log # snmptranslate -On GWMTA-MIB::mtaTable
MODULE-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 55..79 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 81..103 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 212..298 parsed and ignored).
NOTIFICATION-TYPE MACRO (lines 302..334 parsed and ignored).
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION MACRO (lines 8..48 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 25..39 parsed and ignored).
server:/var/log #

where are this errors comming from???

but I get the OID anyway and then I make:

server:/var/log # snmpget localhost -c public -v 2c .
MODULE-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 55..79 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 81..103 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 212..298 parsed and ignored).
NOTIFICATION-TYPE MACRO (lines 302..334 parsed and ignored).
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION MACRO (lines 8..48 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 25..39 parsed and ignored).
Error in packet
Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.

Where can I get more information where this "error in packet" is locatated?

I also tried GWMTA-MIB::mtaTable or added a .0 or .1 at the end of the OID.
no success...

I try a snmpwalk with .
server:/var/log # snmpwalk localhost -c public -v 2c .
MODULE-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 55..79 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 81..103 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 212..298 parsed and ignored).
NOTIFICATION-TYPE MACRO (lines 302..334 parsed and ignored).
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION MACRO (lines 8..48 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 25..39 parsed and ignored).
End of MIB
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.23 = No Such Object available on this agent at this

snmpwalk localhost -c public -v 2c . works...

enterprise.23 is novell.

net-snmpd.log shows:
Exiting the polling-end of the GWSNMP support...
GWSNMP: Unloading the Gwsnmp module...good bye.
MODULE-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 55..79 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-IDENTITY MACRO (lines 81..103 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 212..298 parsed and ignored).
NOTIFICATION-TYPE MACRO (lines 302..334 parsed and ignored).
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION MACRO (lines 8..48 parsed and ignored).
OBJECT-TYPE MACRO (lines 25..39 parsed and ignored).
GWSNMP: Entered the Gwsnmp module...
Warning: novell.2 is both gateways and mibDoc
GWSNMP: Entered the registerMIBS function
Entered the Polling-end of the GWSNMP support
GWSNMP/XPLAT: Entered the initPolling
GWSNMP/XPLAT: Entered the PollingCallback function
GWSNMP/XPLAT: Trap server is listening on 8052
NET-SNMP version
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 160 type request) mta
GWSNMP: OID (length: 11) for mta: .
GWSNMP: GetMibValue retured error  1
GWSNMP: ProcessSnmpRequests failed for MODE_GET request
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 160 type request) mta
GWSNMP: OID (length: 11) for mta: .
GWSNMP: GetMibValue retured error  1
GWSNMP: ProcessSnmpRequests failed for MODE_GET request
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 161 type request) mta
GWSNMP: OID (length: 14) for mta: .
GWSNMP: GetMibValue retured error  1
GWSNMP: ProcessSnmpRequests failed for MODE_GETNEXT request
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 160 type request) mta
GWSNMP: OID (length: 11) for mta: .
GWSNMP: GetMibValue retured error  1
GWSNMP: ProcessSnmpRequests failed for MODE_GET request
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 161 type request) mta
GWSNMP: HandleGetNextRequest failed for MODE_GETNEXT request - 1
Connection from
Connection from
GWSNMP: UnixSNMPCallBack (for 160 type request) mta
GWSNMP: OID (length: 11) for mta: .
GWSNMP: GetMibValue retured error  1
GWSNMP: ProcessSnmpRequests failed for MODE_GET request
SXCH101:/var/log #

Any help/idea is appreciated.

Many Thanks,

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