Hi all,

           I am wrong ENGINE TIME while running the net-snmp- on MIPS 
              (/_Under msgAuthorative EngineID in wireshark capture  Engine ID 
Data : Creation Tine)_/
        But I am  getting currect value on x86 platform.

Does I need to enable some option for that.

I think it is because of endianness problem............................
But I am able to find where to modify.............
I have change the "endiannees" of return value of function 
But It is not working.
For inform request and set/get request there is mismatch in value ???????


sanjaykumar wrote:
> Hi all,
>            I am wrong ENGINE TIME while running the net-snmp- on 
> mibs platform.
>         But currect value on x86 platform.
> Does I need to enable some option for that.
> what could be reason for that
> Rgds,
> Sanjay

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