
I am implementing unplanned reboot SNMPv3 trap. I have defined in the MIB file.

echSnmpTraps  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprise 2 }

OBJECTS   { echTrapSeverity, echTrapStatus,echTrapResetCause }
STATUS   current
        "The SNMP trap that is generated when unplanned reboot happens."
::= { echSnmpTraps 1 }

In this Trap, I am sending 3 data: Severtity ,status (raise or clear)
and  reset cause.

My question is :

1. Do I need to define echTrapSeverity,echTrapStatus and
echTrapResetCause  also in MIB file and assigned them OIDs. Because
otherwise I will get "unknown object identifier label
`echTrapSeverity'" error. ?
2. As trigger of this trap is coming from other process to snmp, how
can I implment this ?
3. I am using SNMPv3, so what are the things which I need to put into
consideration while developing it.
4. What configuraion entry need to put in snmpd.conf to support snmpv3 trap ?

Thanks in advance.


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