Hi list,

Question about one MacAddress SNMP oject type we have in the MIB.

When sending a snmpget request to the MacAddress Object with the textual

$ snmpget -v 3 -u  ......  MPBC-RMH-MIB::mpbcRMHMacAddress.0 we get garbage:
MPBC-RMH-MIB::mpbcRMHMacAddress.0 = STRING:

Then, if sending the getsnmp to the same object, but using the OID we get
the correct value "6C:FF:BE:01:00:15":
$ snmpget -v 3 -u ...  .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4464. = STRING: "6C:FF:BE:01:00:15"

So in the code I should limit the string to 6 Bytes.  So must I omit the
colon separated string when writing (see C source)?



>From the C source:

  // Get MAC, format : "11:22:33:44:55:66"
    if(!Exec_Popen_Cmd(s_mac_addr, sizeof(s_mac_addr), "ifconfig -a eth0 |
grep HWaddr | awk ' {print $5}'"))
        strcpy(s_mac_addr, "??:??:??:??:??:??");

    /* We are never called for a GETNEXT if it's registered as a
       "instance", as it's "magically" handled for us.  */

    /* a instance handler also only hands us one request at a time, so
       we don't need to loop over a list of requests; we'll only get one. */

    switch(reqinfo->mode) {

        case MODE_GET:

            snmp_set_var_typed_value(requests->requestvb, ASN_OCTET_STR,
s_mac_addr, strlen(s_mac_addr));     // the length of the data in bytes

            /* we should never get here, so this is a really bad error */
            snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "unknown mode (%d) in
handle_mpbcRMHMacAddress\n", reqinfo->mode );
            return SNMP_ERR_GENERR;

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