On 31 October 2012 11:59, Anirudha Patil <anirudha0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a concern about "snmpset" command. I'm not able to set a
> hrStorageDescr or hrStorageType.

>From the definition of these objects in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:

hrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    ::= { hrStorageEntry 2 }

hrStorageDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
   ::= { hrStorageEntry 3 }

"read-only"  means that you cannot issue a SET command on such objects.

>   I have also manually tried changing the MAX-ACCESS for the objects
> in their corresponding MIB [/usr/share/snmp/mibs], but still its not working

a)  This is an internationally agreed standard MIB.
      You can't simply decide to change it unilaterally.

b)  The code within the agent that implements this MIB has been written
      following the standard definitions.  As such, these objects are
      implemented as read-only objects.   There is simply no code
      within the agent to handle SET requests for them
         Even if you go your own way and ignore issues of interoperability,
      you are still going to have to write additional code for the agent, so
      that it knows how to handle SET requests for these objects - how to
      process the assignment, how to save the new state so that it's
      retained when the agent restarts, etc, etc

The agent is not a magic box - you can't simply edit a text file and expect
everything to just start working.   You need to supply the missing code.


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