Dear Mr. Hew,

thanks for your fast answer.
In my opinion, using a "not-applicable" value is the best option.

Nevertheless, I am a bit doubtful regarding the options:

    - Should we return a noSuchObject error, and act like 
      the object is temporarily not implemented? 
    - Should we return a noSuchInstance error? 

The information that I have found in the Rfc's is not very clear
in this respect.

As stated, returning a 'noSuchObject' should
only be done when the object is "not implemented", and they clearly
make the difference between "implementation" and "runtime" behavior.
Besides, they state that an implemented 'scalar' object contains always 'one 
(not "zero or one"). Following this line of thinking, it would be unacceptable
to return a noSuchObject/noSuchInstance error.

However, we could also think that a device "implements" a SNMP object
only under certain configurations. In this case, it would acceptable
(and even desirable) to return a noSuchObject/noSuchInstance error.

What is your opinion in this matter?

Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fulko Hew" <>
To: "PCFE" <>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 2:59:06 PM
Subject: Re: Applicability in SNMP scalar objects

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 6:05 AM, PCFE < > wrote: 

What is the correct way to show applicability 
of SNMP Scalar Objects when doing an SNMP-GET request? 

For example, imagine that we have a monitoring 
parameter that is only valid under 
certain system configuration: 

- Should we return a noSuchObject error, and act like 
the object is temporarily not implemented? 
- Should we return a noSuchInstance error? 
- Should we provide an 'not-applicable value', 
that is returned in this cases? 

Certainly an option, but only if you have an enumeration where you can add 
that value. Or be able to define other 'illegal values' that could be 
to represent 'not-applicable'. 

- Should we return the DEFVAL? 

NO, because its probably not the right value at the time. 

- Any other option? 

Your best bet is to add a not-applicable value to your variables 
and document that behavior in your MIB. I have some variables 
that have a 'not-applicable' enumeration, and have other 
numeric/configuration _values_ where fortunately only positive numbers 
are useful configurable values and that let me define (-1) as a 
value that tells remote agents that this option is 'disabled'. 

It all depends on the values/variables that you have. 

And when it comes to some OCTET STRINGS, I have on occasion 
defined the 'empty string' as a not-applicable value. Again it depends 
on the definition of you variables. 

Is there a clear explanation for this in the RFC's ? 

There are conventions for creating/destroying rows in a table, 
but I don't recall anything surrounding variables themselves. 
Its an application/device specific requirement. 

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