Hi Dan,

Maybe I'm misinterpreting your question, but doesn't RFC 3414 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3414) include the details that you're looking for?

With kind regards,

Jeroen van Ingen
Software Developer
Quarantainenet BV

On 21-04-16 17:23, Dan Miller wrote:
Hi hwhr, thanks for your response...

Actually, I know about openssl, and snmpd.conf.
What I need to accomplish, though, is to manually implement snmp v3 message parsers and generators in C, for an embedded system. I was originally hoping to just use net-snmp source code, but the 66,000 lines of code in snmplib is *far* beyond what we can absorb on our embedded platform.

As I described in my original post, I have already completed this task for snmp v1 and v2; I just need to figure out how to handle message digests (i.e., which portion of the message is the digest calculated over), and what the interface is to the openssl code which is included with net-snmp.

I've been trying to derive these answers by walking through snmpget.c, but once it reaches into snmplib modules, it is very convoluted and I got lost. I'm going to take another attempt at this today, since apparently there is no other open-source code that handles snmp v3 ...

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