Hello all,

this is kind of an follow up on this question:

*My setup:*
I have ~1000 devices which should be managed by a management system on
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. The management system has no prior knowledge of the
devices, but they send a trap to it and then get registered. The management
system was running a very old version of a trapd (from 2006) and should now
be updated using the most recent Net-SNMP version (5.7.3). The devices
themselves are running an snmpd version 5.7.1 and amongst the user
credentials they have their engineID created from their MAC, so all
engineIDs are different.

*My problem:*
With the old version I could receive all traps, no matter of the engineID.
With the new version of the snmptrapd, they are not accepted any more as
described in man snmptrapd.conf

"*Previously, snmptrapd would accept all incoming notifications, and log
them automatically (even if no explicit configuration was provided).
Starting with release 5.3, access control checks will be applied to
incoming notifications. If snmptrapd is run without a suitable
configuration file (or equivalent access control settings), then such
traps WILL NOT be processed. See the section ACCESS CONTROL for more

*Working solution:*
What I tested as working with a few devices is to provide them with the
same fixed engineID and create one user for all the devices. However, this
would break the backwards compatibiliy, since devices with an older
firmware would no be able to be detected any more.

*Not working solution:*
Setting "disableAuthorization yes" in the snmptrapd configuration. It just
does not work, although I see that with tcpdump the traps are still
received by the OS.
Side note: this directive is only recognized if I previously delete the
user configuration from the persistent directory, in my case
/var/net-snmp/snmptrapd.conf. Otherwise I would get the following error
upon start: *"./snmptrapd.conf: line 32: Warning: Unknown token:

In ~1-2 years I would like to change from usm to tsm using DTLS. I don't
know if this has anything to do with this issue, but I'd like to know
beforehand if there are upcoming issues...

I'd like to manage the devices without breaking backwards compatibility, so
a fixed engineId is really just the last resort for me.
Could you please provide some help on how to tackle such a problem?

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