
I use net-snmp 5.7.3 and I want to send snmptrap continuously on OpenWrt.
First trap message is OK. But I'm getting error when sending a second trap
message ( buffer too small to read octet string (13 < 13) ).

The command is as follows;
snmptrap -m ALL -v 2c -c public <ip_address>:<port_no) '<time>' <oid> <oid>
s 'text message'

I noticed that I got the error when the oldEngineID parameter was added to
the snmpapp.conf file. I am not sure if there is an error I made while
running the command, or if there is an error caused by net-snmp.

Can you help with this topic?
Best regards.


*Ahmet Muzaffer DULGER*
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