One question and query -

Who establishes the difficult algorithms miners solve? Are they themselves generated within the blockchain? Is there a group that has control over this?

And a blockchain for cultural projects -

I wonder if it would be possible to establish an anti-currency, a blockchain with easy mining solutions? For example, 2 50-digit numbers multiplied? Does that make any sense? So that the currency built upon it might stay worthless? But it could be used for cultural work, and would still be stable?

Thanks, Alan

On Mon, 27 Nov 2017, Jaka ?eleznikar wrote:

I'm not properly acquainted too - how the security of the Bitcoin network will be achieved once all the Bitcoins are "mined"?

best, Jaka

On 27. 11. 2017 04:56, Rob Myers wrote:
 On 26/11/17 05:06 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

 One question, why does it take so much power?

 "Miners" are machines that compete to be rewarded in Bitcoin for
 securing the Bitcoin network. They do this by gathering up transactions
 broadcast to the network every ten minutes or so into blocks, making
 sure they all follow the rules of the system, then solving a difficult
 mathematical puzzle to prove their good faith.

 The difficulty of that puzzle is set by an algorithm that measures the
 average time of the last two weeks worth of blocks, and tries to ensure
 that it will average out to ten minutes over the next two.

 Because Bitcoin has value, people compete for the block rewards. Lots of
 people. Lots and lots and lots of people. With lots and lots and lots
 and lots of ever more specialized computers. This means that the
 difficulty algorithm keeps making the puzzle more difficult. And so it
 takes more computing power to solve it. Which takes more energy.

 This is the "proof of work" system. It is not a waste of electricity, it
 is the cost of securing the network.

 It is possible to try to create proof of work algorithms that are more
 energy efficient. Or to use different security systems altogether, for
 example "proof of stake", that use much less energy.

 But these are currently less popular than Bitcoin. So if people are
 worried about blockchain energy usage they should make sure to use
 hydro-electric or solar power for mining. ;-)

 Excuse my ignorance.
 No it's weird. It's an effect of the key technological breakthrough of
 Bitcoin: cheating and using economic incentives to solve a computer
 science problem.

 And do you think this will affect future value?
 It secures that future value.

 There was a hilarious article that extended the Bitcoin energy
 consumption curve to show that in a couple of years it will consume all
 the energy on the planet.

 If that happens its value will be absolute for a single moment before
 the economy and human society collapses...

 - Rob.
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