*Workshop: *Contemporary tools of creatives working with technology
*When:* 10th and 12th April (8h in total)
*Where: *Varvara & Mar studio (ARSi maja, Pärnu mnt. 154, stuudio 312,
11317 Tallinn, Estonia)
*Admission:* 60 eur

The workshop introduces all possible tools, technologies and processes of a
creator working with the contemporary tools in the post-digital age.

Based on the experience gathered during its years of creation, the
artist-duo Mar & Varvara has compiled an atlas of materials to facilitate a
journey through the components of digital art, illustrating it with
examples of their own creations and of others recognized artists.

All interest groups are welcome: artists, designers, architects, producers,
curators, etc.
The duration of the workshop is 8h in total (on the 10th and 12th April).

Day 1 (16:00 to 20:00):
Analysis of the code as an artistic tool:
- Programming languages
- Programming frameworks
- Algorithms
- Operating systems
Analysis of computer hardware:
- Computers
- Microcontrollers
- Cloud (cloud computing)

Day 2 (16:00 to 20:00):
Analysis of the different interfaces:
- Sensors
- Cameras
- Actuators
- Screens
- VR Helmets
- Projectors
- Tactile
- Audio
- Brain
- Muscle
- Actuators
- Light
Analysis of digital manufacturing systems:
- Laser cutter
- 3d print
- Basic guide of preparation and installation of pieces of new media for


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