> What fascinates me is the complexity of the techniques used in
> 1973

Yes – a perspective in time  – an effort at what-can-be-done (at the time).
Where our representative understanding is built upon (con)currency – not
only through the limitations of media, but also using the current models of
thought. Could this apparent flatness give rise to speculations based on
layered interpretations and perspectival distortions? (On this last point,
I’ve often wondered whether our relatively dense position in all of the
nothingness has led to an interpretation of an expanding universe – but
then again, there are smart people working on these ideas.) Even the idea
of a holographic universe was developed from/against a wrong assumption
about black holes (Hawking failing to observe that matter is spun out in
jets from the poles) and that existence and its representations are
enduring – that (imagistic?) representation is lost beyond the event
horizon being mathematically proven to be not entirely true.

“Time crystals” have recently been an item in science news in that they
look like the way that memory can be stored with quantum computers. I was
also interested to find Deleuze talking about “the crystals of time” in his
"Cinema 2 - The Time Image" and how they compare to the use of blockchain:
“The crystal-image thus receives the principle which is its foundation:
endlessly relaunching exchange which is dissymmetrical, unequal and without
equivalence, giving image for money, giving time for images, converting
time, the transparent side, and money, the opaque side, like a spinning top
on its end.”


- *Anthony Stephenson*

*http://anthonystephenson.org/* <http://anthonystephenson.org/>
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