E-Lit Quebec


Oui! je crois en Dieu! Certes, il n'en sait rien! La mre juive,
elle dit "Mange ou je me tue !" Dieu a dit aux Juifs: Vous Juif
cossais ashknaze rflchit un moment. Dieu a dit aux Juifs: Vous
Nous ons le cadeau de Dieu a la Terre. Nous sacrifions! Ou sont
les neiges Venez-vous armes! avec ons Terre. cadeau sacrifions!
Dieu sont Terre. Nous fidelia Reina Grace Cone Pistillo Ofelia
Dieuwert Spijkers Maeva Juliesse The use of Dieu in expressions
like Mon Dieu is not regarded as objectionable. Do not however
say nom de Dieu. from her creation, or rather a garnered adieu,
is her conceived

Yes! I believe in god! Certainly, he does not know anything! The
Jewish mother, she says, "Eat or kill me!" God said to the Jews:
You Jew Scottish ashknaze thought for a moment. God said to the
Jews: You We are the gift of God to the Earth. We sacrifice!
Where are the snow Come armed! with Earth ons. gift sacrifice!
God are Earth. We Fidelia Reina Grace Cone Pistillo Ofelia
Godwert Spijkers Maeva Juliesse The use of God in expressions
like My God is not regarded as objectionable. Do not however say
name of God. from her creation, or rather a garnered goodbye, is
her conceived! Let's never forget Jesus wasn't white! N'oublions
jamais que Jsus n'tait pas blanc!

Where have all the accents gone?
O sont passs tous les accents?

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