reticule / vocodoom

there were broken things in the asphalt y silicon tendrils gone
down below y not much sheathing left y a future which is ours
but is not ours y meant otherwise y here is the sound of the
crawl y prepare y not dark but gone ecology y wrecked biomes of
the momentary y righteous y righteous among us

among us who replied y who replied, "bloom notes 2 bathroom set.
subway bloom looms bookroom. courtroom standing-room (broom
theory) bridegroom face va voom every room; web. classroom moom
more tm/idclassroom doom ker, 'the boom blue_room
red_room party-room' voom glume penumbra zoom studyroom
livingroom backroom map-room saw heirloom ring mushroom bedroom
at been gloom day looking room: bloomb bodies dockdoomdoor
hooklookdoom break boom, searchploom shaboom wall/room broom
bloomed bonze clean-room boardroom talk chatroom zoom!!!
headroom drawing-room go 'room room' maproom feets boom dada him
gloomofitb greathup groom grrrls gloomy installzoom vavooom vb
deepeninggloom dusk bedroom.  bathroom travis minzoom maxzoom
keepzoom moompipa moomviol moomwav moon bookroom ,noom
tuobaflooding-room ooccoompoony hoom noom drawzoom program/room
ante-room room, pr_xmax zoom. space/room room. it loom grows
dies loom, as back-room bridegroom eache room is amclassroom
wont sun-room living-room room for 'oom vrooom vrooom. you
camzoom grid bigroom lobby/room wing-room noroom pacing forth.
vavoom vavooom live zoom, soon) doom'"

y there was an echo y their sound of dying things y no one to
listen forth y the way the world ends y with a grinding sound y
serrated edges y rasps y reticules

y i am witness to the reticules

y i am ground

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