quite cool! thanks Guido
{ wonder about having each segment end with a stationary frame so as to locate the subject/source over the accumulated motion... but maybe you couldn't dance to it ;) }

{ from the 12hr-project timeline <since 1994>: bbrace.net/12hr.html }

On Tue, 21 May 2019, Guido Segni wrote:

Till the end
Maybe a neverending (time)line
Algorithmic task performance, Video, duration variable
2019 - ∞

Half a weird attempt of preserving memory from the Internet and half an
algorithmic endurance performance, Fino alla fine (Till the end) is the
attempt to trace a potentially infinite line in time joining together the
very first second of life of amatorial youtube videos.

The result is an evergrowing video collage where intimate stories from all
over the internet are intertwined by an automatic process of accumulation
running 24/7.

Publicly released in february, during the homonim solo exhibition at
ADIACENZE in Bologna, the ongoing video is currently 4 hours 30 minutes long
and in a couple of year it's going to be one of the longest timeline on the

For what it worths...

Last but not least, the video has been sonorized with a monotone music by
friend and legendary musician Luca Leggero.

Watch the video
> https://guidosegni.com/finoallafine

Guido Segni
Art is unhappening


Green Cube Gallery

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