Organon Somatic Ghostings

Augmented reality apparatus by Will Pappenheimer, subject:
Alan Sondheim, object: Beatty organ, +/- 1876, sound: inaudible

1. The body visible and invisible, unadulterated flesh, crossed
out by (international) relation of localized objects, ghostings,
playing with / against the body, the thickness of the latter,
thinness and exhaustability of both.

2. The body invisible and visible, adulterated digital apparatus,
protruded by (skin and musical sexuality), diffuse memories,
presences, played against the imaginary / with the imaginary,
the unbearable thinness of the latter, no longer in existence,
no longer present _here_ or anywhere else.

3. The discomfort of the body, body-image, self-deprecation, the
digital aesthetics of perfection smeared within and without such
a body.

4. Hesitation to show this, anesthesia of imperfection, glorious
presence of an imaginary override.

5. Embarrassment, inadequate body, memories of my father's mocking
- as if growing up nowhere, the juice of the body uncomfortable,
always, as if nothing / nothing left - unbearable -

6. These images are _key_ for me, teetering - why the body does its
music -

7. Neither flesh nor ghost, neither presence nor absence, neither
representation nor digital scaffolding, somewhere in the midst of


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