Today at every university the Gideons are out, with their cardboard boxes of 
small green paper bibles.  Unassuming chaps they ask "do you want a free 
bible?"  They are very compact like decks of cards or candy packets.  These are 
offered to undergraduates all over America during the first month of fall 
classes in Septembers, to offer a scriptural path afresh.

The cover says "New Testament."  What is a testament?  Well, a story really.  
Someone publicly telling their story, a testimony, a person in a place telling 
a story which is their story.  So, a new example of this is a new testament, a 
new story.  And what is a novel?  A story.  Why is it called a novel, a 
nouvelle, a new?  Because it was a new kind of an idea or a new way of talking 
about stories and making them into paper form back in the 1700's.  So, the 
novel was a new testament.  A new story.  The new story.  The new new testament 
story for 1700.

In a way the little green new testaments are like stacks of green dollar bills. 
 But they are very humble too like play money or fortune cookies, cheap, free, 
included with the meal so to speak.  Ironically, even to discuss the idea of a 
new new testament story in vulgar English or German in the year 1000 would get 
you burned, disemboweled, or interred to rot to death in a muddy stone room 
with sewerage.  To presume you might consider a new story!

Why did they have to bring Buddha's scriptures from all over the world, when 
his scriptures really just said you don't need scriptures, don't use 
scriptures, attend to your breath and the present moment?  Let go of all the 
bullshit and all the gurus, don't you see what I'm saying for god's sake?  You 
are all going to burn in hell, and already are, he said, before calming down a 

You wonder, how long a new testament can remain new and how long the novel can 
remain novel.  All of this novelty, so much glacial accumulation of 
unfathomable waste.  Stagnant, dead data.  You wonder if the novel can become 
its inverse.  Come to think of it, how can it not?  It is impossible to 
conceive that it could do otherwise than become its inverse, and then to 
accumulate infinitely.  Then, once thought, you realize how vastly advanced 
this stagnation is, how astronomical and absolute it already is, how glacial 
and total, this incarcerating assemblage of dead data.

So, weep, wail?  Rend eyes, flesh, hair, garments?  Well, after a fashion, yes. 
 Appearances, appurtenances, they are already filthy rags and tatters.  Choked 
cemeteries, filth to the heavens, saturated with plastic pellets so fine they 
permeate a dragonfly's retina.  To rend them is just to ask a simple question, 
and observe, are they not tatters?  Are they not rags?  There's nothing even to 
tear down.  So then what is there, is there nothing there?

The new green Gideons today are funny though today.  They have dots on them, 
little green dots like in charts of space bent by gravity.  They have a new, 
modern, cyberspace chic for this year, dots of data moving in curvilinear 
network space.  Each little green new testament is also kind of like a dot or 
particle, all stacked up in their cardboard box, or more like little square 
sections of a formatted drive or bricks or tarot decks.  Then you have roads, 
railroad tracks, bike paths, satellites overhead and lots of streaming media 
all about amid concrete and glass.  Basically all 100% empty really or 
infinitely close.

To live your own genius however, to experience it as a network, to be truly 
alive, and alive to the genius of others, without hyper-massive waste 
programming and cannibalism, that is impossible.  For human beings to get it: 
"oh yes, I am a story, I have a new story every day, my story evolves every day 
and is born afresh, reborn every day, cycling a new cycle every day, this is so 
mundane and yet so accurate, I'm so glad for this new story!  Such a simple 
story, my original story, everyone's original story that is fresh and new for 
them and for me too every day, just being alive is all it is, like Buddha's 
simple breath, tree, and sitting.  What need for all these networks of new 
scriptures?  Goodness they are so strange, these stacked cemeteries that 
measure by fathoms in every direction and we all live daily buried inside."

Because you see, human intelligence is a network.  Brains are connected.  Words 
are connected.  Different words, different conversations, different brains, 
different intelligence.  A new humanity.  It can all be transformed instantly 
in a single second, by a single all-powerful new testament, new novel, new 
network; a single syllable, a single breath or email transforming all from 
death to life.

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