Hi there, I wanted to share a couple of important things Leonardo is doing in 
the next week. I thought you'd like to join us.

Coffee and Cocktails - A Social Connecting Space in your timezone.

They are on Mondays and Thursdays. Here is a link with details about 
times,<https://www.leonardo.info/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=489> when you 
register it will email you the private Zoom room information. Our next one is 
Thursday morning at 9:00 AM San Francisco time hosted by Leonardo's Managing 
Editor Erica Hruby.

I also wanted to make sure you know about and are able to attend a special 
panel discussion for a net art exhibition sponsored by the Chronos Art Center 
and Rhizome at the New Museum in response to COVID-19. We=Link: Ten Easy Pieces 
press release and ten partner organizations can be found 
here<https://www.leonardo.info/welink-ten-easy-pieces>. The artworks are 
currently on the Chronus site here <http://we-link.chronusartcenter.org/> and 
will soon be on the Leonardo site archived.

We hope you will join us for an interactive panel on Monday, April 6 at 5:00 
San Francisco time. Details are and RSVP 
here<https://www.leonardo.info/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=490>. We will also 
share this live on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/events/643544219757375/>.

One last thing, we are in the midst of collaborating with our LASER Hosts 
around the world for a global LASER Event. We will announce more soon.


Danielle Siembieda
Managing Director

NetBehaviour mailing list

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