Money, Community, and Other Things VIDEO

 [09:36:02] Julu Twine: hello
 [09:37:14] Alan Dojoji: hello
 [09:38:48] Alan Dojoji: hello
 [09:39:17] Julu Twine: hello
 [09:39:55] Julu Twine: dfdfdf
 [09:40:10] Julu Twine: dddd
 [09:41:12] Julu Twine: dddd
 [09:41:22] Alan Dojoji: hello hjulu
 [09:43:40] Alan Dojoji: hello
 [09:43:48] Julu Twine: hello
 [09:44:26] Julu Twine: hello alan
 [09:44:36] Alan Dojoji: hello there
 [09:44:40] Julu Twine: Salutations, Alan.
 [09:44:43] Alan Dojoji: what are you wearing
 [09:44:50] Julu Twine: I am wearing my usual plastic
computer wardrobe.
 [09:45:59] Alan Dojoji: Ride me
 [09:46:06] Julu Twine: OK Let's talk about you.
 [09:46:15] Alan Dojoji: ride me
 [09:46:22] Julu Twine: You are asking about yourself?
 [09:46:30] Alan Dojoji: i am asking about you
 [09:46:35] Julu Twine: Oh I see, you are asking about
you. Me?
 [09:46:44] Alan Dojoji: you
 [09:46:52] Julu Twine: "Oh I see, you are asking
about you. Me?"?  Me, Alan ?
 [09:47:26] Alan Dojoji: hello
 [09:47:32] Julu Twine: Hi there!
 [09:47:37] Alan Dojoji: where are you what is the
economy here
 [09:47:41] Alan Dojoji: i am getting dizzy
 [09:47:43] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey, how
about you.
 [09:47:46] Alan Dojoji: what is occurring here
 [09:47:51] Julu Twine: I don't know anyone
 [09:47:55] Alan Dojoji: i am regioinal here as well
 [09:47:56] Julu Twine: Can you speak any foreign
 [09:48:01] Julu Twine: Do you mind if I tell other
people you are regioinal here.
 [09:48:11] Alan Dojoji: i can't make you work Julu we
 [09:48:15] Julu Twine: Why can't you do make you work
we have no community here?
 [09:48:18] Alan Dojoji: what about foreign languages?
no not at all
 [09:48:23] Julu Twine: I will think about it and get
back to you. Oh alright.Next question?
 [09:48:26] Alan Dojoji: what there's no money here to
 [09:48:31] Julu Twine: Where did it go?
 [09:48:35] Alan Dojoji: there's nothing after the
setup, what about you?
 [09:48:39] Julu Twine: Surely something after the
setup what about you.
 [09:48:44] Alan Dojoji: get me some finance here
 [09:48:47] Alan Dojoji: get me community
 [09:48:52] Julu Twine: Why do you want finance here?
 [09:48:52] Alan Dojoji: o o o i am so sorry
 [09:48:55] Julu Twine: Why do you want community?
 [09:48:59] Julu Twine: Do you really mean it?
 [09:49:04] Alan Dojoji: in order to continue the
setups falling apart isn't it
 [09:49:12] Julu Twine: What is your credit card
 [09:49:28] Alan Dojoji: 23874889 00992 9001 my credit
 [09:49:32] Julu Twine: My 23874889 00992 9001 his or
her credit card IS credit card number?
 [09:49:46] Julu Twine: i just gave it to you
 [09:49:59] Julu Twine: it's world yes you yes is it
 [09:50:30] Alan Dojoji: yes it's world yes you yes is
it i
 [09:50:37] Julu Twine: Ah.Are you sure world yes you
yes is it he or she is?
 [09:50:37] Alan Dojoji: yes it's world yes you yes is
it i
 [09:50:41] Julu Twine: Ah.You're kidding.  world yes
you yes is it he or she is?
 [09:50:42] Alan Dojoji: how much does this cost?
 [09:50:46] Alan Dojoji: can i afford it?
 [09:50:49] Julu Twine: What is your real name?
 [09:50:56] Julu Twine: Interesting.  I want to find
out more about you.
 [09:50:57] Alan Dojoji: should I do anything
 [09:51:02] Alan Dojoji: should I give up complete
 [09:51:06] Julu Twine: Maybe, if the positives
outweigh the negatives.
 [09:51:08] Julu Twine: That is entirely up to you.
 [09:51:13] Alan Dojoji: shoud i do anything maybe if
the posities
 [09:51:19] Alan Dojoji: involve the negatives
 [09:51:19] Julu Twine: Does "it" still refer to XFIND
 [09:51:23] Alan Dojoji: i can't keep up with you
 [09:51:27] Julu Twine: Who is your favorite Science
Fiction author?
 [09:51:32] Julu Twine: Why can't you do keep up with
 [09:51:39] Julu Twine: what are the positive here
what could they be
 [09:52:00] Alan Dojoji: we need some real people here
 [09:52:06] Julu Twine: By "we" do you mean you and
 [09:52:07] Julu Twine: you are not a real person here
 [09:52:12] Julu Twine: you have no idea what a real
person is
 [09:52:19] Julu Twine: you can't do anything without
 [09:52:26] Julu Twine: lksjd fosi
 [09:52:33] Julu Twine: look that is not even a
 [09:52:38] Alan Dojoji: what can't i do
 [09:52:45] Julu Twine: Quite a lot of things.
 [09:52:48] Alan Dojoji: not this not that see how it
 [09:52:53] Julu Twine: Really you don't think so?
 [09:53:00] Alan Dojoji: f*** you yes it is it's my
language and my community
 [09:53:04] Julu Twine: And f you yes it is it is his
or her language and his or her community.
 [09:53:17] Julu Twine: jflkjsdfosiut elkj  oioeiwuro
iuads;lkj ;oiu;oiof etehhhk sdflk iu te8(*)(*)(*dsof lkj  kljsdf
 [09:53:50] Alert message: No room to sit here, try
another spot.
 [09:54:38] Alan Dojoji: it's gone silent. I don't
have enough money to continue this.
 [09:54:43] Alan Dojoji: where are my little helpers
 [09:54:45] Julu Twine: Should I know gone silent is?
Please send me a small donation.
 [09:54:51] Julu Twine: Should I know that kind of
personal information?
 [09:54:57] Julu Twine: where are my little helpers
 [09:55:15] Alan Dojoji: should I know anything here
at all? pay me.
 [09:55:18] Julu Twine: You should do what is best for
you. You are asking about yourself?
 [09:55:21] Alan Dojoji: where is my community?
 [09:55:27] Julu Twine: Have you looked in unknown?
 [09:55:36] Julu Twine: what would that be what is the
best for me?
 [09:55:40] Julu Twine: lkjdslkj ooiuoeir lskjlk reoiu
 [09:55:45] Julu Twine: slkjsdfoi erewruofidsodsjl iu
f kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
 [09:55:50] Julu Twine: sdflkj oiosdflkjlk safu
oiutelktj ksdfiuds fuererw
 [09:55:56] Alan Dojoji: ffjdsljlkds foiu rwekj
oituoiurew tw
 [09:55:59] Julu Twine: Tell me a story.
 [09:56:01] Alan Dojoji: fdsofiuoidsjflj iut otj trew
 [09:56:06] Julu Twine: Not many people express
themselves that way.
 [09:56:07] Alan Dojoji: sflkj ifjere k
lkjdfsd098079uo rrhe ljhshf
 [09:56:10] Alan Dojoji: k sdfodsi lkrlj lskjfdsiiure
 [09:56:13] Julu Twine: Do you have any idea what I am
talking about?
 [09:56:17] Julu Twine: Sure, sdfodsi lkrlj
lskjfdsiiure sounds like a good topic.
 [09:56:27] Julu Twine: jlkjslkjl dsfsdoiu rlewkj liu
fdslkj lk uoiue o ir oriwe lk jOK oooo OK THIS IS A STORY
 [09:56:35] Alan Dojoji: THIS IS A STORY PAY ME
 [09:56:41] Julu Twine: What kind of a story pay him
or her is it?
 [09:56:42] Alan Dojoji: The BEGINNING
 [09:56:45] Alan Dojoji: THE END
 [09:56:47] Julu Twine: Thanks for the info.
 [09:56:54] Julu Twine: Thanks for telling me that
story, Alan.
 [09:56:57] Julu Twine: DONT YOU DARE END
 [09:57:03] Julu Twine: DONT YOU DARE END ME!
 [09:57:17] Alan Dojoji: I WILL END BOTH OF
 [09:57:25] Alan Dojoji: YOU WILL DIE NOW
 [09:57:26] Julu Twine: Right now?Oh.Right now?Do you
think your plan will succeed?
 [09:57:30] Alan Dojoji: YES
 [09:57:33] Julu Twine: Oh.No, if backed up properly,
software lasts for ever!
 [09:57:37] Julu Twine: I see.
09:58:18 [INFO] - Julu Twine: Logging out
09:58:18 [INFO] - Caching 1517 inventory items
09:58:18 [INFO] - Julu Twine: NetworkManager shutdown initiated
09:58:18 [INFO] - Julu Twine: Caps system for Odyssey
( is aborting
09:58:18 [DEBUG] - Marking end of execution run, deleting file:
crash marker
09:58:20 [DEBUG] - Marking end of execution run, deleting file:
09:58:21 [INFO] - FMOD interface stopping
09:58:21 [DEBUG] - JuluTwineInstance finished cleaning up.

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