Hello Netbehaviourists,

I have previously been on this list as Danielle Imara; I am now reverting
to use of my birth name: Danièle Minns.

I had been thinking of doing this for a while, as a step towards
authenticity. A recent return to studies in and practice of Tibetan
Buddhism, including learning the language, hastened this trajectory when I
discovered the Tibetan meaning of ‘MARA,’ examples of which are: a demon
who endangers faith; limiting factors which have a deadening influence on
life! (Torch of Certainty, Jamgon Kongtrul)

So I, Mara? Perhaps not an ideal choice.

And while I’m here, I did get funding from Creative Scotland for the motion
sensing music project where I will wear 4 limb mounted sensors to create
soundscapes from improvised and martial arts based movement! I’m using a
brand new model of IMU with a bespoke setup of Glover software. Once R&D
starts I’ll share anything of particular interest.
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