of Anne Frank

https://youtu.be/CC0buYTGbt0 video

when i was very young i read her diary i had her picture next to
me on the bedtable i was also reading the medical volumes of the
nuremberg war trials which i was perhaps too young or not young
enough i won't say what was in them but it was not for the sane
as i understood at the age of maybe 13 but i don't know they're
gone but i remember them and before that Anne Frank and what the
effect of that as if my mind collapsed and now the conflicts now
going on or continuing or happening or an inconeivable section
of space and time compressing what thought one may have if i am
in my right mind when i was very young and so this piece perhaps
abstracted or distilled or compressed and senseless it is as i
am now reading Diane di Prima and her diary and i hold my head
in my hands when i was very young i read in the darkness too
much as if there were other than that a light illuminating the
book reading under the covers at 3am after my parents were in
bed and now there are Yahrzeits and Yahrzeits for Yahrzeits and
i rite myself in these moments of motion and sound always on one
take and none other as if there's no time left because there's
no time left and the doors and gates are there going nowhere and
nowhere is not found

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