#include "synthmod.h"

this is the sound of 8 orbit fractals
modulating 24 clock sources
driving 16 sine waves


the fractals used are fairly stable... a little bit like
digital machine bagpipes.

netbehaviour: I don't really know why you should listen to this.
   What is it? It is a bunch of sine waves modulated by a fractal.
   Apart from having questionable relevance, it's also something
   probably done atleast forty years ago, I'd guess. And probably
   with more sophisticated synthesis. Frequency modulation? Pfff!

   It's the case that after producing more music-like pieces that
   I feel I must make some noise (something more sondhiem like).
   Some kind of attempt at justification. But I even fail that,
   to me it still sounds too musical. It does not sound not-me
   enough. And sound-quality wise, it is obviously generated by
   my program "Wav Composer Not Toilet", which maybe I should
   rename to "Wav Composer Noise Toilet" or something.

   Even so, I like what the sound does. To me it is interesting.

   As far as wcnt goes, I think it's about time I knuckle down
   and get it to use libsndfile to handle reading/writing of
   WAV files so that wcnt is no longer restricted to poxy 16bit
   output/input (internally it uses double precision floating point).

   I've abandonded learning complex mathematics to write my own
   filters, I'm not clever enough. Ie proper filters that work
   with poles and things. Ie digital versions of analogue filters.
   Ie not like what I've got at present - calculating the average
   value from an array of n samples - which is terribly inefficient
   at low frequency cut-offs and extremely imprecise at frequencies
   approaching the nyquist frequency.

   So listen to the sound if you want, or ignore it, I don't care.

   It's not cutting-edge at all. It does not use Pure Data like all
   the cutting-edge artists do. The only cutting edge it's at is the
   cutting-edge of naffness. It's kinda how I feel.


orbit fractal module for wcnt

choice of three types: hopalong, threeply, quadrup

   tests n iterations of the fractal using it's three parameters
       (a, b, c)
   100000 is good. a scale is generated from the test to put the
   output into the range -1.0 to +1.0.
   bare in mind the fractal may not be predicatable after n
   iterations and thus jump around outside of the desired range

the module can be triggered to reset to it's first iteration by
any module with a trigger output.

in order for the module to process a single iteration, it must be
triggered by a trigger. generally this will be a phase trigger from
some kind of clock source.

the module has two outputs, out_x and out_y.

*** note ***
 the current release of wcnt does not include this module.


orbit.wc brief .descr

cut it out: 8 sets of L + R channels:

one set == ---->>>

   1 * clock (osc_clock)
      to trigger iterations of orbit module
      this runs at 8 octaves above base note.
        (and frequency modulated by orbit module)

   1 * orbit module
      output of which is to modulate the three clocks
      100000 test iterations to generate good scaling factor

   2 * clock (osc_clock)
      running two octaves below base note.
      these two clocks are used to drive the sine wave for
      left channel and sine wave for right channel.
      one is biased towards orbit module's out_x for
      frequency modulation, the other is biased toward

   2 * sine wave (sine_wave)
      1 for left channel, one for right channel.
      driven by the appropriate clocks.



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