---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Markus Kison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/7/16
Subject: Re: Fwd: [NetBehaviour] pulsating emotion organism.
To: dave miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is complety correct the CC licencse is meant for the
documentation material. Thanks Pall!

dave miller schrieb:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Pall Thayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2008/7/15
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] pulsating emotion organism.
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> If the CC license is meant to apply to the work itself, then it's a
> flawed application of it. The only thing that it can really apply to
> in this case is the documentation of the work. He doesn't give you any
> materials that allow you to "alter, transform or build upon the work"
> which would apply if there was source-code or schematics provided.
> Oh, and then there's the fact that we could both take the time to
> actually read what it says on the website, like the part where he
> states that what's copyrighted are "pictures, text, video"... :-)
> Pall
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 7:28 PM, dave miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This project reminds me of something I did a couple of years ago:
>> http://davemiller.org/index.php?nav_item=Gallery&gallery_nav=newscartoon_v2
>> This version without a doubt is far nicer and much more refined. In
>> fact I think it looks stunning.  But I think it's essentially it's the
>> same concept - basically - taking  words and phrases from live feeds
>> -blogs - then converting into values and then representing those
>> values. I'm sure I wasn't the first to have tried it either.
>> Why the CC copyright, and is it possible to CC something that others
>> have explored beforehand? Under the terms of the CC copyright we are
>> allowed to share and remix the work but we must attribute the work to
>> markus kison. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
>> markus - from my perspective this doesn't seem fair. You claim the
>> idea for yourself as officially yours and yours alone, then insist
>> that anyone else who's inspired by it must attribute you.
>> Dave
>> 2008/7/14 marc garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> pulsating emotion organism.
>>> A fascinating live visualisation of recent emotional expressions written
>>> on the private weblogs published on blogger.com. emotional expressions
>>> are parsed according to a list of synonyms, which then physically
>>> transform an abstract shape-shifting object.
>>> textual expressions are assigned to 1 of 8 basic human emotions, which
>>> are represented as a 3D cone consisting of 24 distinct areas. this
>>> abstract diagram forms the basic shape of "pulse", a physical object
>>> that is able to enlarge in 24 different directions. each time a specific
>>> expressionistic emotion is found in a blog entry written during the last
>>> minute, the shapeshifting object transforms itself, so that that the new
>>> physical volume represents a piece of the world's current emotional
>>> condition.
>>> more...
>>> http://www.markuskison.de/pulse/
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> --
> *****************************
> Pall Thayer
> artist
> http://www.this.is/pallit
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Markus Kison
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