Hello Marc,

I was in Portugal and then I collected my van in the UK. Actually I might
leave it in Bristol, they have some good places to leave vehicles there.

I'll see if I can catch you & the crew when I am in London next :-)


    Hi Karen,

    I'm sorry I missed you on Sunday. To be honest, I think I just needed a
    day off after doing so much...

    Actually, I was not aware that you were in the country. Last I heard you
    were travelling in your small van around Europe, you nomad you...

    Have nice time in Bristol, I think you know that I used to live there -
    let us know in advance next time you visit the gallery.

    Oh yes, and much thanks for coming anyway - have been getting many calls
    from others visiting so I think it's going to be quite a well attended

    wishing you well.

    > I just wanted to say that I visited the show this Sunday and I thought
    > it was pretty good, the way it was all set-up and put together must of
    > taken ages - you folks are obsessed I think, I just wish there were
    > other places in London doing similar things. Why is the rest of London
    > showing such dull traditional art?
    > Anyway, I'm sorry that I could not make it on Saturday. By the look of
    > things it was a great afternoon. I'm not in London at the moment I am
    > now in Bristol and may visit the cubecinema if I have time. Will try
    > to catch the furtherfield crew another time...
    > karen
    > On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:06 PM, marc garrett
    > <marc.garr...@furtherfield.org <mailto:marc.garr...@furtherfield.org>>
    > wrote:
    >     RE: Feral Trade Café Opening.
    >     A warm thank you from the Furtherfield/HTTP Gallery crew and Kate
    >     Rich,
    >     to all those who managed to make it to the Feral Trade Café
    >     Opening this
    >     Saturday. The official time was for 4 - 7pm, but it got so busy
with a
    >     constant influx of people that it went on until 8pm. We had over
    >     visitors through the afternoon till early evening, the setting was
    >     convivial and the sun was shining.
    >     For those who are still interested in visiting it will be open
    >     until 2nd
    >     Aug - Fri, Sat & Sun, 12 - 5pm.
    >     ----------------------------->
    >     An art exhibition that is also a working café, Feral Trade Café
    >     opens at
    >     HTTP Gallery for 8 weeks during Summer 2009. Serving food and
    >     traded over social networks, Feral Trade Café by artist Kate Rich
    >     provides a convivial setting from which to contemplate broader
    >     to our climate and economies, where conventional supply chains
    >     (for food
    >     delivery and cultural funding) could go belly up.
    >     The term 'feral' denotes the project's wilful wildness (as in
    >     as opposed to romantic or nature-wildness (wolves): it offers
    >     street-wise survival tactics for urban environments. Since the
    >     registered Feral Trade import of 30kg of coffee direct from the
    >     growers
    >     in El Salvador to the Cube Microplex in Bristol in 2003, Kate Rich
    >     used social networks to traffic edible produce from around the
    >     Feral Trade participants become mules, carrying food items with
    >     them on
    >     trips they would have taken anyway and delivering them to depots
    >     (usually friends’ and colleagues’ flats or workplaces) in the
    >     network.
    >     more info about the show & how to get there:
    >     http://www.http.uk.net/exhibitions/FeralTradeCafe/index.shtml
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