Micha, should not be useful to ask the Electronic Frontier Foundation
for support or to use again the same funding platform raised for
Critical Art Ensemble?
Karen B.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:09 AM, micha cárdenas <azdelsl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please pass this information on. We can't use our blogs because
> they're on our server on the university networks, so if you can mirror
> this call, we'd appreciate it...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Fred Lonidier <flonid...@ucsd.edu>
> Date: 2010/7/8
> Subject: Donate to the Ricardo Dominguez/b.a.n.g. lab Legal Support Fund
> To:
> Cc: cftoakl...@igc.apc.org
> Please Pass Forward:
> Dear Communities of Support,
> The "investigations" by University of California San Diego/University of
> California of Office of the President of professor Ricardo Dominguez and
> Electronic Disturbance Theater/b.a.n.g lab's performances and projects
> continues. The cost of legal support is growing and we would appreciate
> your economic support.
> To donate to our legal action fund please click here:
> http://banglabinexile.pbworks.com/Donate-to-the-Ricardo-Dominguez-Legal-Support-Fund
> Thanks to all the communities who have already supported the legal support
> fund in spirit and funds.
> To learn more about the "investigations" and support for Professor Ricardo
> Dominguez and Electronic Disturbance Theater/b.a.n.g lab click here read
> and watch these news reports about the "investigations":
> Digital Zapatismo and the Threatened Persecution of Prof. Ricardo
> Dominguez (UCSD)
> by John Armenta:
> http://thevirtualcampfire.org/garibaldi/2010/05/ricardo-dominguez
> UC San Diego professor who studies disobedience gains followers - and
> investigators By Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times:
> http://articles.latimes.com/2010/may/07/local/la-me-ucsd-professor-20100507-53
> Ucsd Hacktivism "Affective - Not Effective!" - Fox News Video:
> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/05/ucsd-hacktivism-fox-news-eeek/
> Letters of support:
> Open letter from the Visual Arts Department (UCSD)
> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/05/letter-of-support-visual-arts-department-ucsd/
> Open letter from the UCSD Faculty Coalition:
> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/04/ucsd-faculty-coalition-letter-to-svc-drake/
> Letter Of Support Started At Duke University:
> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/04/letter-of-support-started-at-duke-university/
> Many other letters of support can be found at:
> http://bang.calit2.net
> Petition:
> Stop the De-tenuring of Ricardo Dominguez
> http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stop-the-de-tenuring-of-ricardo-dominguez
> Thank you so very much for your continued support.
> Abrazos,
> Ricardo Dominguez, Electronic Disturbance Theater/b.a.n.g lab
> --
> Ricardo Dominguez
> Associate Professor
> Hellman Fellow
> "Another University is Possible"
> Visual Arts Department, UCSD
> http://visarts.ucsd.edu/
> Principal Investigator, CALIT2
> http://calit2.net
> Co-Chair gall...@calit2
> http://gallery.calit2.net
> CRCA Researcher
> http://crca.ucsd.edu/
> Ethnic Studies Affiliate
> http://www.ethnicstudies.ucsd.edu/
> Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies Affiliate
> http://cilas.ucsd.edu
> Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics,
> Board Member
> http://hemi.nyu.edu
> University of California, San Diego,
> 9500 Gilman Drive Drive,
> La Jolla, CA 92093-0436
> Phone: (619) 322-7571
> e-mail: rrdoming...@ucsd.edu
> Project sites:
> site: http://bang.calit2.net
> site: http://gallery.calit2.net
> site: http://pitmm.net
> blog:http://post.thing.net/blog/rdom
> site: http://www.thing.net/~rdom
> --
> micha cárdenas / azdel slade
> Co-Author, Trans Desire / Affective Cyborgs, Atropos Press, http://is.gd/daO00
> Lecturer, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
> Lecturer, Critical Gender Studies Program, University of California, San Diego
> Artist/Researcher, UCSD Medical Education
> Artist/Theorist, bang.lab, http://bang.calit2.net
> blog: http://transreal.org
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> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

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