Why not just enter China's web site?: http://en.china.cn/

From: Simon Biggs <si...@littlepig.org.uk>
Date: 20 December 2010 14:51:44 GMT
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Call for Submissions. The Presence of Future Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>

But is it the same thing ;)



On 20/12/2010 13:54, "marc garrett" <marc.garr...@furtherfield.org> wrote:

Hi Simon,

Perhaps a virtual ready-made work of China would suffice, although even
that costs money and time...


I would have liked to submit China as a ready-made work that evokes our
future, but as the event does not provide financial support for
and as I am not sure how I would transport or install the work I
think this
might be a little too ambitious.



On 20/12/2010 13:29, "info" <i...@furtherfield.org> wrote:

Call for Submissions.

The Presence of Future

Division of Human Works is accepting submissions for a
curated show dealing with ideas of future and how it has
inundated into our society and environment. Feel free to
submit completed works or submit a proposal for the creation
of new work. Relevant off-site work may also be submitted
for promotion via the event.

We are nearing the end of 2010, the year portrayed as a futuristic
utopia in the classic animated sitcom, The Jetsons. We are five years away from 2015, the farthest year ahead Marty and Doc Brown traveled to in Back to the Future. The years of our future, anticipated for decades, are here. How similar are our present times to what was imagined? We do have some very fancy gadgets and nuclear physicists working with a Big Bang replicator, the Large Hadron Collider, at the Cern research center
in Switzerland. Yet, we are certainly not traveling in personal
hovercrafts and many of us are living in old decrepit buildings. What do you think Joseph Beuys would think about the current state of the Green

Things are not quite what we had expected them to be. Yet then again, things are definitely in an extreme state of flux. Change is on a steep exponential rise. Some things are parallel with this acceleration and
some things are being dragged along for the ride.

What are your interpretations of our current evolutionary or de-
evolutionary status? What are your reactions to how far we¹ve come, why do you think our present times have turned out as they have, and what
may or may not change current trends.


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