M | U | T | E | __ rrrrrread it!

________________________________________________18 August 2011_

What the RFID is That?
By Brian Ashton

In the second contribution to a group of articles on logistics, workplace
surveillance and national security, Brian Ashton zooms in on the
microscopic technologies surveilling and shaping working lives



Salvagepunk in the Birthgrave - Video documentation
By Evan Calder Williams and China MiƩville

Is salvagepunk sci-fi with left politics? Laptops with brass trimmings?
Anything that looks kind of like Mad Max? At a recent event in London
China MiƩville and Evan Calder Williams discussed the term, its long
pasts, its cursed present, and its uncertain future. Camera by Hamish
Heartnell. Sound by Rachel Baker and Hamish Heartnell



Detest and Survive: self-deregulation and asset reallocation in England,
August 2011

By Clinical Wasteman

The second of two articles by Clinical Wastemen surveying the landscape of
social struggles in austerity UK 2011. In this case a chronology of and
argument against 'interpretation' of the riots which spread across the UK
this August. The earlier text appears here: http://linkme2.net/q5



Unlimited Liability or Nothing to Lose?
By Clinical Wasteman

The first of two articles by Clinical Wastemen surveying the landscape of
social struggles in austerity UK 2011. The second article, on the UK
riots, appears here: http://linkme2.net/q4



An Open Letter to Those Who Condemn Looting (In Two Parts)
By Evan Calder Williams

Co-publishing this spirited excoriation of backlash in all its forms



-- Anthony Iles Acting Editor Mute Publishing 46 Lexington Street London 
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anth...@metamute.org *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Don't miss our... Critical 
history of global networked culture: PROUD TO BE FLESH: 
http://www.metamute.org/ptbf Reader on political art in creative cities: 
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