I'm also expected at that event at UCDavis. I've spoken with the convenor about 
it. My intention is to still attend but I've suggested the event collectively 
drafts a response to what has happened at UCDavis, indicating their dismay and 
discontent with the university's actions and solidarity with the protesters and 
their aims and objectives. I wonder if Alex's choice of action will be 
counter-productive or not? Surely you want to go there and support the 
protesters? But this is a complex issue.



On 22 Nov 2011, at 10:12, marc garrett wrote:

> Why I'm not visiting UC Davis in April. Alex Galloway.
> Thought some of you may be interested in this letter by Alex Galloway...
> Here is an image of the police doing their very special thing, that only 
> they are 'legally' allowed to do
> http://davisenterprise.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/OccupyUCD3.jpg
> Shameful Act: Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmJmmnMkuEM
> Letter
> -------------------------
> November 21, 2011
> To
> Mark Yudof, University of California President,
> Linda P.B. Katehi, UC Davis Chancellor,
> and Linda Bisson, Chair of the UC Davis Academic Senate:
> Dear President Yudof, Chancellor Katehi, and Professor Bisson,
> I am an associate professor at New York University. I teach and write 
> about digital media and contemporary culture. I was born in California, 
> raised in Oregon and Washington, and have many times visited colleges 
> and universities across your great state.
> Several months ago I accepted an invitation to speak at UC Davis on 
> April 12-14, 2012, as part of an academic conference on new technologies.
> This last weekend the world awoke to videos depicting cruel and 
> despicable acts, performed by paramilitary police casually spraying 
> chemical agents on your peaceful students. Such actions are 
> reprehensible and absolutely contrary to the moral duties of educators 
> everywhere. These students, like many thousands around the country and 
> around the world, were peacefully protesting the recent outrageous 
> tuition hikes at the public University of California, the ballooning 
> student debt burden, and a political system that puts profits over people.
> I was dismayed to read Chancellor Katehi's statement following the 
> police attack, a statement that showed no remorse for the violence and 
> no sympathy whatsoever for the welfare and safety of her own students. 
> Likewise a subsequent letter from President Yudof, tried to spin the 
> events further, but offered nothing by way of concrete action.
> I regret therefore that I must withdraw my participation in the April 
> conference -- until Chancellor Katehi takes responsibility for her 
> actions by resigning, and until UC Davis removes its paramilitary police 
> from campus.
> While my admiration and respect for the great public universities of the 
> UC system remain strong, I cannot in good conscience visit the UC Davis 
> campus in April. I cannot support Chancellor Katehi. I cannot support 
> police brutality. And, quite simply, I fear for my own safety were I to 
> visit your campus.
> Sincerely,
> Alexander R. Galloway, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
> New York University
> http://cultureandcommunication.org/galloway/Why%20I%27m%20not%20visiting%20UC%20Davis%20in%20April.html
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