I'm sorry I missed it and would love to come to a future Zone.
Perhaps this time announced more than two days in advance (like we used to do)?

From: Michael Szpakowski <szp...@yahoo.com>
Date: 28 April 2012 00:44:18 BDT
To: Simon Mclennan <mitjafash...@hotmail.com>, NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Zone experimental film in London on Friday
Reply-To: Michael Szpakowski <szp...@yahoo.com>, NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>

and very good it was too..not only lots of interesting vids but some nice live sound and performance.
Great! - here's to lots more Zones...
From: Simon Mclennan <mitjafash...@hotmail.com>
To: Michael Szpakowski <szp...@yahoo.com>; NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Zone experimental film in London on Friday

yes - people..!
Looking forward too,

On 27 Apr 2012, at 13:07, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

Looking forward to this, hope maybe to see some folk there...

From: Simon Mclennan <mitjafash...@hotmail.com>
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 4:09 PM
Subject: [NetBehaviour] Zone experimental film in London on Friday

Real breathing people, standing together in a room, looking at
projected films - together, like we used to do..

Friday 27th
Hundred Years Gallery - Kingsland Rd

see blog for address and programme which includes amongst others:

Michael Szpakowski
Sean Reynard
Ian Helliwell
David Grundy



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